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The Canadian Gas Processors Association (CGPA) was incorporated in 1959 to share technical information regarding gas processing. Over time the association has evolved and now provides excellent forums for exchanging technical and commercial information, networking, education, and scholarships, addressing industry issues through its LARAC and the recognition of gas companies’ safety records through its Safety Awards. The CGPA is a non-profit organization and in the past has relied solely on its members and volunteers to be effective. The CGPA is well recognized for its contribution to the gas processing industry and is well respected.
The Canadian Gas Processing Suppliers Association (CGPSA) was formed in 1960 to meet and discuss the problems and concerns in the gas processing industry. The CGPSA also participates in the coordination of technical conferences and organizes social functions that allow networking amongst industry members. The CGPSA is a not-for-profit organization and relies solely on its membership to meet its goals and objectives. The CGPSA has a membership of 300 companies and over 750 persons.
Representatives from the Board of Directors of the CGPA and the CGPSA formed a committee in 2003 to look at ways to work more closely together and to provide value-added for both associations and their membership. The conclusion of the committee was that the mandates and objectives of both associations were essentially the same, that there already existed a great deal of cooperation and overlap of duties between groups, and that the distinction between what is a processor or a supplier is becoming less defined and confusing and that a merger would not degrade the effectiveness of the associations but enhance it through more cooperation and better communication.
In June 2004, CGPA and CGPSA each held general membership meetings and presented a motion to amalgamate. Each motion received wide support and was declared carried.
Effective January 1, 2005, both CGPA and CGPSA wound up their operations and forwarded their assets to the amalgamated association which has been named Gas Processing Association Canada (GPA Canada).
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Gpac in Calgary you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓